Family Harmony with Amy-Beth
coaching for parenting and life

I totally love doing private sessions, and I also find there is a unique magic that takes place in groups. Sharing the parenting journey with other parents in real-time seems to exponentially broaden the living understanding of this simple but profound work.
Whether you are a past or current client, or a brand newbie to the Purejoy work, it is my experience that like any authentic teaching, it never stops offering new insight. I have been in this work since my daughter, Zoe, was 7 years old. Now at 24, both of us can testify to its transformative power.
The group that I am currently leading,Parenting Paused©, is an eight-week parenting course that connects with the heart of who you want to be as a parent, and supports you in creating an emotionally safe home where everyone feels seen, heard, cared for, and connected — including you!
The cost for this course at $196 makes it easy to afford, and is a beautiful deep dive into the foundation of the Purejoy Parenting© work and principles. Group size is a maximum of 8. The next course will begin April 20th 2023 and run 8 weeks
The way the course works is: An online lesson is sent weekly which includes a teaching in video & writing with a prompt of something to “try on” during the week. All members of the group are connected with each other in an online format to be able to “chat” with each other and me as you explore the material. The online material is self-paced. How and when you address the information and suggestions in this format is up to you. The material is very thought- provoking and ideally you are online regularly to ask questions and compare notes with others. The course material will come to you on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday. There will also be an online "live" Zoom call each week.
Exact day and time will be determined when we have the whole group formed and we know individual schedules preferences.
The course is deep and transformative dive into the Purejoy work and principles. Group size is a maximum of 8. Parent coaching is something every parent should be able to avail themselves of. To have this work be affordable to more folks than those that can regularly avail themselves of individual coaching sessions, I have priced the 8 weeks at $196.00. This work has benefitted every parent I have worked with over many years. This is an amazing gift you can give yourself as a parent for less than $25.00 a week!
The course is open to partners, to single parents, and parents with any age kids - anyone who longs to more joyfully and gracefully navigate the waves of challenge in parenting - and life!
Some of the things we explore in the weekly lessons:
*Purejoy foundational tools of the Sacred Seat and the Safe Seat
*Understanding the four parts of an emotional trigger
*What emotional safety looks like for you and your children
*How to work with self- aggression
*Examining your parenting beliefs
*What do healthy boundaries really mean
and more!
Here is some feedback from my last Parenting Paused course:
“This was an excellent course…it opened my ideas to new tools and practices to help me understand my triggers and tend to my own emotional needs. Amy-Beth is an empathic and knowledgable group facilitator - Aileen
“Amy-Beth is…warm approachable and inspiring. I have worked with her on several occasions and it has been life-changing every time” Jessica
“…from the depth of my heart - THANK YOU!…your subtle way of passing deep messages left all the space for me to get aware of many very important things…” Katia.
To register please click on the Get in Touch page and fill out the form. I will reply to you promptly.
"We can see the progress our family is making while working with Amy-Beth. It is an amazing feeling! I have read a lot of books on parenting—working with Amy-Beth takes things to a completely different level."